Thursday, October 21, 2010

Create Your Own Digital Photography

Peter Bauer "Create Your Own Digital Photography" Sams 
| ISBN 0672328305 | 2005 Year | CHM | ~9 Mb | 160 Pages

You purchased a digital camera to join the digital revolution. Yet you find yourself still using disposables because your digital camera is too complicated and you don't even know where to start to figure out how to use it. That's where Create Your Own Digital Photography comes in. From choosing a digital camera, to photography dos and don'ts, to printing and resolution contraints, you will walk through the entire digital photography process in days. You will learn five projects that every digital camera owner should know, including:

Creating a slideshow with music
Mixing film prints with digital pictures
Making posters, greeting cards, and calendars
Altering digital photos
Sharing photos on the web 

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Essential Guide to Portraits

The Essential Guide to Portraits By Daniel Lezano
Publisher: Dennis Publishing 2010 | 130 Pages |
 ISBN: 1907232869 | PDF | 109 MB

On the quest to create better pictures? The practical information, inspirational guides and helpful instructions within this MagBook make this title an invaluable resource for any serious amateur. Guiding you through every stage of shooting a portrait - from viewing the subject to considering the use of lighting, composition, backgrounds and techniques involved in recording the image, this MagBook provides you with the information you need to create maximum impact photographs!

Great magezine style book with lots of practical advice for anyone wanting to take portrait photography a little more seriously!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Digital Food Photography by Lou Manna

Digital Food Photography by Lou Manna
Publisher: Course Technology PTR; 1 edition (August 1, 2005) |
 ISBN: 1592008208 | Pages: 312 | CHM | 5,37 MB

Great food always elicits strong reactions-the smell of freshly baked bread, the taste of a perfectly prepared steak. The job of a food photographer is to elicit that same mouth-watering reaction, but without the benefit of scent or taste. A well-shot photograph can send crowds flocking to a new restaurant or boost the sales of a culinary magazine. Capturing the perfect image requires a trained eye, finesse, and photographic skill. Digital Food Photography gives you the ingredients to cook up your own recipe for success-with professional lighting techniques, composition, food and prop styling, retouching, and tricks of the trade. You'll learn how digital photography combines teamwork, creativity, and technology, and how to make money creating delectable works of photographic art.